Monday, 18 April 2011

Oragami for Japan

To raise money in support of Japan, MPI BCIT spent several days in the BCIT halls selling oragami cranes.  MPI BCIT later matched the received donations to help the relief of the Japan Earthquake.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

NMID: National Meetings Industry Day 2011

Several MPI BCIT members attended the MPI BC event NMID: National Meetings Industry Day 2011 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.  Keynote speaker, Chris Jarvis, introduced the crowd to the wonders of using Prezi and realizing one's worth as a Volunteer Leader.

Friday, 1 April 2011

2010/2011 Executive Board

MPI BCIT was first established in 2010 by Jeremy Flewelling and Caroline Howes.

The first elected Executive Board for MPI BCIT:
President: Jeremy Flewelling
Vice President: Caroline Howes
VP of Finance: Ashley Salvador
Secretary: Kimberly Chan
VP of Membership: Bahaar Vafai