Friday, 18 October 2013

Our first speaker session of the year: Networking for Dummies workshop!

"Networking is fun!"

And fun it is! We had a blast with Heidi Hughes joining us Thursday afternoon to give us expert advice and tips on professional networking in a business environment.

Heidi is the Manager of Conference Sales & Marketing at Anvil Centre, a brand new conference centre opening in New Westminster in 2014. She is also affiliated with our Parent Chapter as Director of Student Affairs for MPI BC.

Heidi talked about her networking experiences in the industry and how networking opportunities have helped her with employment later on. To quote her words of wisdom: "It's not about what you know. It's not about who you know. It's about who knows you."

The MPI BCIT team would like to thank Heidi for sharing her experiences and providing the students with 16 helpful tips for networking. We appreciate her recommendations and taking time to answer students' questions.

Now that we've gained insights from a business expert, it's time to get ourselves out there and make those connections!

Want to know more about Heidi? Check out her Twitter handle here: @hhh3events

Also many thanks to our new sponsor, KIND Healthy Snacks for providing everyone with granola bars!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

2013/2014 Executive Board


President: Shivani Mukerji
Vice President: Nina Davidson
VP of Finance: Andrew Heung
VP of Marketing: Dalvinder Kular
VP of Events: Jennifer Wong
VP of Sponsorship: Adrienne Regier
VP of Corporate Relations: Jason Ip
Secretary: Naomi Sambrook


Director of Marketing: Idy Wong
Director of Social Media: Annie Sheng
Director of Digital Media: Chris Thuong
Director of Sponsorship: Anna Dachuk
Director of Professional Events: Carly Anderson
Director of Social Events: Ethan Schrum
Director of MPI Forum: Amy Tsai
Director of First Year: Kylie Marshall